I'm not a mom. I'm a teenager. (that's why it says FUTURE mom :))

I'm going to be a mom someday. that is definitely on my list of things to be.

I have ideas, sometimes, about how I want to do things, and I thought that I'd better start to write them down.

So here I am!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Family Dinner

Dallin H Oaks is a great advocate of the family. I loved his thoughts on Family Dinner:
(basically) "Children are less likely to smoke, do drugs, and other degrading acts when they regularly have family dinner altogether as a family."

Here is another girl who talked about how her family's daily gathering at dinner helped them stay close to each other and to the gospel: https://www.lds.org/new-era/2014/05/time-out-for-dinner?lang=eng

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